My running life really started with Mizuno Wave Rider 15’s.
Before that I had been doing elliptical machine work almost exclusively to get
back into shape. When I felt that wasn’t enough, I started running, first on
the treadmill then a track my in-laws house. The shoes at the time were some
K-Swiss tubes and I knew almost immediately that things weren’t right. I
searched and scoured and found the Riders and they seemed like a good fit, so I
got them. They were amazing. Truly a great starting shoe. Over time my mileage increased, my pace
increased and my knee pain/foot pain increased. It was time for new shoes. For
the first time I went into a running store and consulted someone with real
knowledge, not just what them wacky interwebs told me about my shoe choices. He said the Riders would still work for me if
I wanted to stay, but there were other options out there if I wanted to try
something else. Well, I love trying new things so bring on the shoes.
He brought out a few boxes of shoes and I tried them on.
Some being too cushy, some being too stiff, I had a few that I liked, one still
being the Riders, and then he handed me the last box. “If you are willing to
try something a bit different, try these out” he said. The box he handed me was
the Brooks Pure Cadence 2. He told me that they would be less drop, less
cushion, a bit closer to minimal versus where I was. I tried them on and
something felt right. So, that was the box I walked out of the store with that
day. Now I have around 150 miles on the
shoes and I thought a little review/recap was in order since I am already
running in other shoes as well, with more to come. Building a nice little
So my initial reactions of the shoe were interesting. I have
never had the “burrito wrap” tongue before. I liked it. The shoe laces had
flares on it which I assume (hope) are there to keep my shoe laces from
slipping. I still tuck them under some of the crossed laces just in case. That
is probably a relic of the 18 mile long Mizuno laces. The most interesting
thing I felt when I put them on was that just standing there, I hated these
shoes. They felt odd, like I was standing on a ball. No way these would be
comfortable running. Argh, this is why I have massive respect for all you guys
working in a running store, cause you know what I want when I don’t. I kneel
before you in reverence. Jogging around the store showed it to really flatten
out and feel great. The toe box was very spacious, didn’t even know that was a
thing, or comfy, until then.
There is a piece on the side of sole about midfoot that
seems to be there for a little bit of stability. I was a wee bit anxious about
this causing problems running. I was wrong for the most part. Occasionally as I
got up over about 10 miles I could start to feel that “bump”. But that was very
occasional. My one true gripe was the sock liner. It seems like every run at
some point it would get a little folded over and become uncomfortable. Then, after
a bit, it would up and vanish like a fart in the wind (thanks Shawshank
Redemption). It never created a blister or anything and didn’t make me have to
stop, but it was an annoyance to say the least and at worst made me alter my
stride a bit to accommodate.
All in all, these were very solid shoes and probably a
perfect fit at the time for what I wanted and what direction I was moving with
my running. Of course I didn’t stop progressing and now my appetite for new
shoes is voracious. But I do think that for a new runner or for someone that is
really finding their own this is a great option. As well as someone who likes
cushion and support coupled with flex, but doesn’t want to be running around on
moon shoes.